Ensure your trip on The Norfolk Broads is a safe one
The Broads is a great place to take to the water for the first time in a variety of boats, but before setting off on your first voyage, there are a few things you need to know and think about. Please take care of yourself, your passengers, others on the waterways, the wildlife and the fragile world of the Norfolk Broads.

Speed Limits
You must not go over the speed limits, and remember, if your boat is going with the tide your speed will be faster than indicated. As a guide, 4 mph is a fast walking pace.

Fishing on the Broads
Please be aware that fishing is not permitted when boats are underway. The coarse fishing open season is between 16th June – 14th March. You need a license to be able to fish between these dates. Fishing outside of these dates is not permitted.
Please download the Broads Authority leaflet below for some very useful fishing information.
Broads Fishing 
Broads Authority Safety Advice
Broads Authority navigation rangers enforce the byelaws and provide help and information to boaters. For further safety advice from the Broads Authority please download their leaflet below.
Safety on The Broads